# Kanotix with LXDE for eeepc4G # Kanotix base Packages List # install only needed firmware firmware-atheros #include # bootloader #if BOOTLOADER burg burg-pc #endif #if BOOTLOADER grub grub2 syslinux grub-pc grub-efi-amd64-bin grub-efi-ia32-bin efibootmgr syslinux-common #endif #if KANOTIX_GFXOVERLAYS true gfxoverlay #endif # multimedia sox alsa-oss alsa-utils w-scan # chat, irc weechat # editors # archive unrar unzip p7zip-full zip unp # tools bc mc most less rsync hdparm pciutils wireless-tools sux htop time bash-completion di cfv whois screen ntpdate usb-modeswitch tofrodos schedtool hwinfo alsa-oss smartmontools eject file user-setup whois zsync debconf-utils rpm2cpio usbutils exif fsarchiver xterm ncdu libnotify-bin # network inetutils-ping pcmciautils openssh-client sshfs cifs-utils pppoeconf nfs-common ncpfs #if DISTRIBUTION wheezy bluez-audio #endif ethtool vpnc comgt wvdial rfkill nmap net-tools # print cups-bsd cups-client # build module-assistant build-essential fakeroot libstdc++5 bzip2 cdbs dkms devscripts pbuilder # system cpufrequtils hddtemp acpi acpid acpi-support xdg-utils menu-xdg menu menu-l10n console-setup locales lsb-release # xorg xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-input-all mesa-utils libgl1-mesa-dri libgl1-mesa-glx #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 #endif vainfo i965-va-driver vdpauinfo #nif DISTRIBUTION wheezy mesa-vdpau-drivers #endif xinit freerdp-x11 # disktools gddrescue testdisk gpart # filesystems ntfs-3g #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze ntfsprogs #endif reiserfsprogs #dmraid kpartx dosfstools lvm2 hfsprogs exfat-fuse exfat-utils #nif DISTRIBUTION wheezy zram #endif httpfs2 # filesystem tools parted os-prober mtools mdadm cryptsetup hfsplus hfsutils jfsutils xfsprogs btrfs-tools # firmware ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 ndiswrapper-dkms # other hardware blueman #if DISTRIBUTION wheezy bluez-compat #endif pm-utils vbetool radeontool tp-trackpoint-scroll gobi-loader # s2tc libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0 #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 libtxc-dxtn-s2tc0:i386 #endif # v4l libv4l-0 #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 libv4l-0:i386 #endif ## base list end #include ## in desktop # needed packages from desktop list # tools gparted gksu #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy jessie #include #endif #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy jessie #include #endif # themes gtk2-engines #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze #include #endif # tools joystick # some tools or fixes epdfview ca-certificates # desktop finish # Kanotix etcskel-kanotix-lxde kmenu-icon-kanotix kanotix-lxde-extra # LXDE lxde lxde-common openbox lxpolkit lxappearance-obconf gvfs-backends menu menu-xdg lxtask zenity xfce4-notifyd #if DISTRIBUTION wheezy lxpolkit #endif clearlooks-phenix-theme # tools synaptic notification-daemon # compositting compton # multimedia #include #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy jessie exaile #endif #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze wheezy jessie clementine #endif # network network-manager-gnome modemmanager mobile-broadband-provider-info gnome-keyring network-manager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-vpnc-gnome #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze gdm #endif #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze lightdm #endif # power management xfce4-power-manager #nif DISTRIBUTION wheezy xfce4-power-manager-lxpanel-plugin #endif # audio # xterm is needed by lxpanel to use alsamixer #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze alsa-utils xterm #endif # other hardware #nif DISTRIBUTION wheezy onboard onboard-kanotix #endif # irc #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze hexchat #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze xchat #endif # other gnome-screenshot seahorse keepassx