# Kanotix with LXDE (CD-minimal) #include #include # Kanotix etcskel-kanotix-lxde kmenu-icon-kanotix # LXDE #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze lxde #endif # remove gpicview due to bug #637713 in wheezy #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze leafpad lxappearance lxde-core lxde-icon-theme lxinput lxrandr lxsession-edit lxshortcut lxterminal obconf xarchiver geeqie #endif gvfs-backends menu menu-xdg lxtask zenity lxpolkit network-manager-gnome desktop-base #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze gdm #endif #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze lightdm #endif # power management xfce4-power-manager xfce4-power-manager-plugins # office evince-gtk gnumeric abiword # package tool synaptic apt-xapian-index # audio # xterm is needed by lxpanel to use alsamixer #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze alsa-utils xterm #endif #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze #include #endif # multimedia gecko-mediaplayer me-tv exaile #gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp3 gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg vlc #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze vlc-plugin-pulse #endif # skype pidgin-skype #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze skype #endif #if DISTRIBUTION wheezy #include #endif # other hardware modemmanager mobile-broadband-provider-info blueman xfburn eject # dvb w-scan # irc xchat # email icedove-l10n-de # grafik qtqr simple-scan # other ncdu gnome-screenshot # games mahjongg gnome-sudoku