Debian Live: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ============================================= Build Time ---------- Q: How do I drop in to a shell during make-live chroot process? A: Use "--interactive shell", then exit when you have made the setting changes you want and the build process will continue. Q: Where to set the username or the hostname? A: casper uses default username 'casper' and hostname 'live'. You can specify them by passing 'username=' and 'hostname=' as kernel parameters (In previous casper releases it was 'host='). live-helper automatically sets the username to 'user' and the hostname to 'debian'. If you want to change this at build time, pass --username and --hostname to make-live, or alter LIVE_USERNAME and LIVE_HOSTNAME in config/image. Run Time -------- Q: What is the root password? A: There is none. You can switch to root with 'sudo su -' or set a password with 'sudo passwd'. Q: What is the user password? A: The user password for 'user' is 'live'.