#!/bin/sh # This is a hook for live-helper(7) to install nvidia-legacy drivers # To enable it, copy this hook into your config/chroot_local-hooks directory. # IMPORTANT: for apt-get to locate the required packages you need to # add "contrib" sections and the 686 flavour. # # e.g with make-live : --sections "main contrib" --kernel-flavour 686 # Updating indices apt-get update # Building kernel mdoule which module-assistant || apt-get install --yes module-assistant module-assistant update module-assistant --non-inter --quiet auto-install ipw2200 module-assistant clean ipw2200 # Installing firmware (http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/firmware.php) # grabbing 3.0 (Wed May 16 15:17:38 -- matth) wget --referer "http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/firmware.php" "http://ipw2200.sourceforge.net/firmware.php?i_agree_to_the_license=yes&f=ipw2200-fw-3.0.tgz" -O /tmp/ipw2200-fw-3.0.tgz cd /tmp tar xfvz ipw2200-fw-3.0.tgz cp ipw2200-fw-3.0/*.fw /lib/firmware/ rm -rf ipw2200-fw-3.0* cd ${OLDPWD}