# Kanotix with LXDE (lxde-base) #include #if ARCHITECTURE i386 #include #endif #if ARCHITECTURE amd64 #include #endif # Kanotix etcskel-kanotix-lxde kmenu-icon-kanotix kanotix-lxde-extra # LXDE lxde lxde-common openbox lxpolkit lxappearance-obconf console-data clearlooks-phenix-theme #nif DISTRIBUTION wheezy jessie gtk3-nocsd #endif gvfs-backends menu menu-xdg lxtask zenity # network network-manager-gnome wpasupplicant modemmanager mobile-broadband-provider-info gnome-keyring network-manager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-vpnc-gnome #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze gdm #endif #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze lightdm #endif # power management xfce4-power-manager #if DISTRIBUTION jessie stretch xfce4-power-manager-lxpanel-plugin #endif # audio # xterm is needed by lxpanel to use alsamixer #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze alsa-utils xterm #endif # other hardware xfce4-notifyd #nif DISTRIBUTION wheezy onboard onboard-kanotix #endif # irc #nif DISTRIBUTION squeeze hexchat #endif #if DISTRIBUTION squeeze xchat #endif # other #if DISTRIBUTION wheezy jessie stretch buster clipit gnome-screenshot #endif #nif DISTRIBUTION wheezy jessie stretch buster diodon ksnip #endif