.TH LIVE\-HELPER 1 2010\-05\-23 2.0~a13 "Debian Live Project" .SH NAME \fBlh testroot\fR \- Ensure that a system is built as root .SH SYNOPSIS \fBlh testroot\fR [\fIlive\-helper options\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fBlh testroot\fR is a high\-level command (porcelain) of \fIlive\-helper\fR(7), the Debian Live tool suite. .PP .\" FIXME \fBlh testroot\fR simply checks to see if you are root. If not, it exits with an error. Debian Live images must currently be built as real root. .PP Note: Support for using \fIfakeroot\fR(1) and \fIsudo\fR(8) internally in live\-helper itself is still experimental, however, calling a helper yourself with sudo is safe. .\" FIXME .SH OPTIONS \fBlh testroot\fR has no specific options but understands all generic live\-helper options. See \fIlive\-helper\fR(7) for a complete list of all generic live\-helper options. .SH FILES .IP "\fBnone\fR" 4 .SH SEE ALSO \fIlive\-helper\fR(7) .PP This program is a part of live\-helper. .SH HOMEPAGE More information about live\-helper and the Debian Live project can be found on the homepage at <\fIhttp://live.debian.net/\fR> and in the manual at <\fIhttp://live.debian.net/manual/\fR>. .SH BUGS Bugs can be reported by submitting a bugreport for the live\-helper package in the Debian Bug Tracking System at <\fIhttp://bugs.debian.org/\fR> or by writing a mail to the Debian Live mailing list at <\fIdebian-live@lists.debian.org\fR>. .SH AUTHOR live\-helper was written by Daniel Baumann <\fIdaniel@debian.org\fR> for the Debian project.