.TH LH_CHROOT 1 "2007\-07\-23" "1.0~a20" "live\-helper" .SH NAME lh_chroot \- meta\-helper for lh_chroot_* .SH SYNOPSIS .B lh_chroot [\fIlive\-helper\ options\fR\|] .SH DESCRIPTION lh_chroot is a meta\-helper. It calls all necessary helpers to complete the chroot stage. .SH CHROOT HELPERS Here is the complete list of available chroot helper commands. See their man pages for additional documentation. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_apt\fR(1)" 4 manages /etc/apt/apt.conf. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_debianchroot\fR(1)" 4 manages /etc/debian_chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_hacks\fR(1)" 4 executes hacks in chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_hooks\fR(1)" 4 executes hooks in chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_hosts\fR(1)" 4 manages /etc/hosts. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_interactive\fR(1)" 4 makes build interactive. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_linux-image\fR(1)" 4 manages /etc/kernel\-img.conf. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_local-hooks\fR(1)" 4 executes local hooks in chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_local-includes\fR(1)" 4 copies local files into chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_localization\fR(1)" 4 installs localization packages into chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_local-packages\fR(1)" 4 installs local packages into chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_local-packageslists\fR(1)" 4 installs local packages lists into chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_packages\fR(1)" 4 installs packages into chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_packageslists\fR(1)" 4 installs packages lists into chroot. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_proc\fR(1)" 4 mounts /proc. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_resolv\fR(1)" 4 manages /etc/resolv.conf. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_sources\fR(1)" 4 manages /etc/apt/apt.conf. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_symlinks\fR(1)" 4 convers symlinks. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_sysfs\fR(1)" 4 mounts /sys. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_sysvinit\fR(1)" 4 configures sysvinit. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_sysvrc\fR(1)" 4 manages /usr/sbin/policy\-rc.d. .IP "\fIlh_chroot_tasks\fR(1)" 4 installs tasks into chroot. .SH SEE ALSO \fIlive\-helper\fR(7) .PP This program is a part of live\-helper. .SH BUGS Report bugs against live\-helper <\fIhttp://packages.qa.debian.org/live\-helper/\fR>. .SH HOMEPAGE More information about the Debian Live project can be found at <\fIhttp://debian\-live.alioth.debian.org/\fR> and <\fIhttp://wiki.debian.org/DebianLive/\fR>. .SH AUTHOR live\-helper was written by Daniel Baumann <\fIdaniel@debian.org\fR> for the Debian project.