path: root/backend/modules
diff options
authorAndreas Loibl <>2011-03-17 05:07:10 +0100
committerAndreas Loibl <>2011-03-17 05:07:10 +0100
commit00286a5db286e21a766b6af057052dc5d17561ad (patch)
tree7232dadf6dc3570705c3104fe0c000f480c7a0ee /backend/modules
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/modules')
13 files changed, 1449 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/modules/bootloader b/backend/modules/bootloader
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3f7546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/bootloader
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Synopsis: list_bootloader_targets
+# This function lists all disks and the root-partition if it is suitable to install a bootloader on it.
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda:MBR:250059350016
+# /dev/sdb:MBR:400088457216
+# /dev/sdb1:Rootpartition:60003385344
+function list_bootloader_targets()
+ for disk in $(list_all_disks)
+ do
+ echo "$disk - MBR $(blockdev --getsize64 $disk)"
+ done
+ root_dev="$(hdmap_get device of mountpoint /)"
+ root_fs="$(hdmap_get filesystem of mountpoint /)"
+ [ -z "$root_fs" ] && root_fs=$(get_filesystem "$root_dev")
+ case $root_fs in
+ reiserfs|ext2|ext3|ext4)
+ list_linux_partitions | grep -q "^$root_dev$" &&
+ echo "$root_dev - Rootpartition $(blockdev --getsize64 $root_dev)"
+ ;;
+ esac
+function send_bootloader_targets()
+ send data bootloader_targets
+ list_bootloader_targets
+# Synopsis: list_bootloaders
+# This function lists all available bootloaders
+# Output example:
+# BURG - Brand-new Universal loadeR from GRUB
+# GRUB - GRand Unified Bootloader
+function list_bootloaders()
+ for bl in burg grub
+ do
+ [ -x /usr/sbin/$bl-setup ] || continue
+ case $bl in
+ burg) echo "BURG - Brand-new Universal loadeR from GRUB";;
+ grub) echo "GRUB - GRand Unified Bootloader";;
+ esac
+ done
+function send_bootloaders()
+ send data bootloaders
+ list_bootloaders
+function install_bootmanager_to_target()
+ send install_step install_bootmanager_to_target
+ # force initrd update
+ [ -d $TARGET/var/lib/initramfs-tools ] && rm -f $TARGET/var/lib/initramfs-tools/*
+ chroot_it update-initramfs -utk all &>/dev/null
+ case "$cfg_bootloader" in
+ grub)
+ install_grub
+ ;;
+ burg)
+ install_burg
+ ;;
+ esac
+function install_grub()
+ rm -f $TARGET/boot/vmlinuz $TARGET/boot/ $TARGET/boot/initrd.img
+ # install grub
+ mkdir -p "$TARGET/boot/grub"
+ grub-install --recheck --no-floppy --root-directory=$TARGET "$cfg_bootloader_target" &>/dev/null || \
+ grub-install --force --recheck --no-floppy --root-directory=$TARGET "$cfg_bootloader_target" &>/dev/null
+# # create and save it to target
+# export device_map=$TARGET/tmp/
+# get_device_map > $device_map
+# cat $device_map > $TARGET/boot/grub/
+# rm -f $device_map
+ # preseed grub-pc with install-target
+ for path in /dev/disk/by-id/*
+ do
+ [ -e "$path" ] || continue
+ if [ "$(readlink -f "$path")" = "$(readlink -f "$cfg_bootloader_target")" ]; then
+ echo "grub-pc grub-pc/install_devices multiselect $path" | chroot_it debconf-set-selections &>/dev/null
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ write_kernel_img_conf
+ # update grub
+ chroot_it update-grub &>/dev/null
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot_it dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc &>/dev/null
+ return 0
+function install_burg()
+ rm -f $TARGET/boot/vmlinuz $TARGET/boot/ $TARGET/boot/initrd.img
+ # install burg
+ mkdir -p "$TARGET/boot/burg"
+ burg-install --recheck --no-floppy --root-directory=$TARGET "$cfg_bootloader_target" &>/dev/null || \
+ burg-install --force --recheck --no-floppy --root-directory=$TARGET "$cfg_bootloader_target" &>/dev/null
+# # create and save it to target
+# export device_map=$TARGET/tmp/
+# get_device_map > $device_map
+# cat $device_map > $TARGET/boot/burg/
+# rm -f $device_map
+ # preseed burg-pc with install-target
+ for path in /dev/disk/by-id/*
+ do
+ [ -e "$path" ] || continue
+ if [ "$(readlink -f "$path")" = "$(readlink -f "$cfg_bootloader_target")" ]; then
+ echo "burg-pc burg-pc/install_devices multiselect $path" | chroot_it debconf-set-selections &>/dev/null
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ write_kernel_img_conf
+ # update burg
+ chroot_it update-burg &>/dev/null
+ DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot_it dpkg-reconfigure burg-pc &>/dev/null
+ return 0
+function write_kernel_img_conf()
+rm -f $TARGET/etc/kernel-img.conf
+cat << EOT > $TARGET/etc/kernel-img.conf
+# Kernel image management overrides
+# See kernel-img.conf(5) for details
+do_symlinks = yes
+relative_links = yes
+do_bootloader = no
+do_bootfloppy = no
+do_initrd = yes
+link_in_boot = no
+postinst_hook = update-$cfg_bootloader
+postrm_hook = update-$cfg_bootloader
diff --git a/backend/modules/cleanup b/backend/modules/cleanup
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe604a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/cleanup
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+function cleanup()
+ cd /
+ umount "$TARGET/proc" &>/dev/null
+ umount "$TARGET/dev" &>/dev/null
+ umount "$TARGET/sys" &>/dev/null
+ umount_all_affected "$(hdmap_get device of mountpoint /)" &>/dev/null
+ umount "$TARGET" &>/dev/null
+ umount "/live/filesystem" &>/dev/null
+ rmdir "$TARGET" "/live/filesystem" &>/dev/null
diff --git a/backend/modules/common b/backend/modules/common
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c763f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/common
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Synopsis: dereferce_links_in_list
+# This function reads a list from STDIN, dereferences the links and prints it to STDOUT
+function dereferce_links_in_list()
+ for lnk in $(cat)
+ do
+ readlink -m $lnk
+ done
diff --git a/backend/modules/config b/backend/modules/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d073580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/config
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+declare -A cfg flags
+function cfg_get()
+ while [ "$1" ];
+ do
+ send data value
+ echo "${cfg["$1"]}"
+ send cfg "$1"
+ shift
+ done
+function cfg_set()
+ var="$1"
+ shift
+ cfg["$var"]="$@"
+ cfg_get "$var" # inform the frontend about the change
+ var="$(tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<"$var" | tr -d '\n' | tr -c '[:alnum:]' _)"
+ export cfg_${var}="$@"
+function flag()
+ [ "${flags["$1"]}" ] && return 0 || return 1
+function flag_set()
+ send flag set "$1" # inform the frontend about the change
+ flags["$1"]=1
+function flag_unset()
+ send flag unset "$1" # inform the frontend about the change
+ unset flags["$1"]
+function hdmap_set()
+ cfg_set hdmap "$( ( echo "$@"; ( echo "$@"; echo "$cfg_hdmap" ) | sort -u -t: -k1,1 ) | sort -u -t: -k2,2 | grep .)"
+# Synopsis: hdmap_get <"device"|"mountpoint"|"filesystem"|"automount"> of <"device"|"mountpoint"> <device|mountpoint>
+# This function returns the given value from the hdmap table
+function hdmap_get()
+ [ "$2" == "of" ] || return 1
+ case "$1" in
+ device) col=1;;
+ mountpoint) col=2;;
+ filesystem) col=3;;
+ automount) col=4;;
+ *) return 1;;
+ esac
+ case "$3" in
+ device) of_col=1;;
+ mountpoint) of_col=2;;
+ *) return 1;;
+ esac
+ gawk "BEGIN{FS=\":\"}{if(\$$of_col==\"$4\"){print \$$col}}" <<<"$cfg_hdmap"
diff --git a/backend/modules/frontend b/backend/modules/frontend
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffa2d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/frontend
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+function send()
+ command="$1"
+ shift
+ echo "<acritoxinstaller $command> $@"
+function send_error()
+ if [ "$#" -gt 1 ]; then
+ send error "$@" >&2
+ elif [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then
+ send error "$1" "$(tr -d '\n')" >&2
+ else
+ send error 255 unknown >&2
+ fi
+ return 1
diff --git a/backend/modules/hdmap b/backend/modules/hdmap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d57d105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/hdmap
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+# Synopsis: mointpoint_demands
+# This function dumps the demands of various mountpoints
+function mointpoint_demands()
+cat <<"EOT"
+/: Type:Linux
+/boot: LVM:no Type:Linux
+/bin: Type:Linux
+/etc: Type:Linux
+/home: Type:Linux
+/lib: Type:Linux
+/opt: Type:Linux
+/root: Type:Linux
+/sbin: Type:Linux
+/tmp: Type:Linux
+/usr: Type:Linux
+/var: Type:Linux
+function emit_error()
+send debug "$@"
+return 1
+function emit_progress()
+ percent=$1
+ [ "$percent" -gt 100 ] && percent=100
+ send progress "$percent"
+# Synopsis: is_disk /dev/xyz
+# This function returns 0 if the supplied argument is a disk.
+function is_disk()
+ stat --format "%t %G" "$1" | grep -qe "^3 " -e " disk$" && return 0
+ return 1
+# Synopsis: calculate_min_space
+# This function estimates the minimum space needed for a hdinstall
+function calculate_min_space()
+ ESTIMATED_ROOT_MIN=$(df -m "/live/filesystem" | tail -1 | gawk '{print $3}')
+ grep -q squashfs /proc/mounts && ESTIMATED_ROOT_MIN=$(($ESTIMATED_ROOT_MIN*270/100))
+# Synopsis: handle_mountpoint_demands <device>
+# This function handles the demands of the mountpoints (data from function mountpoint_demands)
+# * check if filesystem matches (Filesystem:reiserfs / Filesystem:ext3 / see get_filesystem() )
+# * check if filesystem-type matches (Type:Linux / Type:Windows / see get_filesystem_type() )
+# * check if <device> is a LVM-device (LVM:yes / LVM:no)
+# TODO: from old installer, not adapted yet.
+function handle_mountpoint_demands()
+ PART="$1";
+ FORMAT_FS="$2";
+ POINT=$(echo $3 | cut -d":" -f1); shift 3
+ while [ "$1" ];
+ do
+ VAR=$(echo $1 | cut -d":" -f1)
+ VAL=$(echo $1 | cut -d":" -f2)
+ case "$VAR" in
+ Filesystem)
+ if [ -n "$FORMAT_FS" -a "$FORMAT_FS" != "$VAL" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Filesystem on $PART ($POINT) has to be formatted with $VAL!" \
+ | emit_error 1
+ return 1
+ elif [ -z "$FORMAT_FS" -a "$(get_filesystem "$PART")" != "$VAL" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Filesystem on $PART ($POINT) is not $VAL!" \
+ | emit_error 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ Type)
+ if [ -n "$FORMAT_FS" -a "$(get_filesystem_type -fs "$FORMAT_FS")" != "$VAL" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Filesystem on $PART ($POINT) has to be formatted with a $VAL-Filesystem!" \
+ | emit_error 1
+ return 1
+ elif [ -z "$FORMAT_FS" -a "$(get_filesystem_type "$PART")" != "$VAL" ]; then
+ echo "ERROR: Filesystem on $PART ($POINT) is not a $VAL-Filesystem!" \
+ | emit_error 1
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ LVM)
+ not=not
+ lvdisplay $PART &>/dev/null; A=$?
+ [ "$VAL" = "yes" ] && unset not; B=$?
+ ((A*B)) || ! ((A-B)) || ( echo ERROR: $PART "($POINT)" must $not be on a LVM-device! | emit_error 1; return 1 ) || return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+# Synopsis: check_partitions_for_install
+# This function processes the hd_map-config:
+# * make sure that the device exists
+# * take care of the mountpoint demands
+# * check if partition has the "automount"-flag
+# * check if all partitions are big enough to install the system on it
+# TODO: from old installer, not adapted yet.
+function check_partitions_for_install()
+ unset found_root
+ local progress_steps=$(( $(wc -l <<<"$cfg_hdmap") * 2 + 1))
+ local progress=0
+ progress=$[progress+1]; emit_progress $[100*progress/progress_steps]
+ # compute partition_min_table
+ local partition_min_table_=$ESTIMATED_ROOT_MIN
+ while IFS=: read device mountpoint filesystem automount
+ do
+ case "$mountpoint" in
+ "") continue;;
+ /) continue;;
+ /usr) MP_MIN=$(( $ESTIMATED_ROOT_MIN - $(du -sm --exclude /live/filesystem/usr /live/filesystem | cut -f1) ));;
+ *) MP_MIN=$(du -sm "/live/filesystem$mountpoint" 2>/dev/null | cut -f1);;
+ esac
+ [ -z "$MP_MIN" ] && MP_MIN=0
+ mp="$mountpoint"
+ while mp="$(dirname "$mp")"
+ do
+ var_mp="$(echo "$mp" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g')"
+ parent_min="$(eval echo \$partition_min_table$var_mp)"
+ if [ -n "$parent_min" ]; then
+ eval local partition_min_table$var_mp=$(( $parent_min-$MP_MIN ))
+ break
+ fi
+ [ "${#mp}" -gt 1 ] || break;
+ done
+ var_mp="$(echo "$mountpoint" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g')"
+ eval local partition_min_table$var_mp=$MP_MIN
+ progress=$[progress+1]; emit_progress $[100*progress/progress_steps]
+ done <<<"$cfg_hdmap"
+ isosrc_dev="$(awk '{if($2 == "/isosrc"){print $1}}' /proc/mounts)"
+ while IFS=: read device mountpoint filesystem automount
+ do
+ [ -z "$mountpoint" ] && continue;
+ # set flag if there is a root-partition in the hd_map
+ [ "$mountpoint" = / ] && found_root=1
+ if [ "$device" = "$isosrc_dev" ]; then
+ if [ "$filesystem" ]; then
+ emit_error 1 "Partition $device ($mountpoint) is mounted to /isosrc... This partition cannot be formatted!"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # take care of the mountpoint demands
+ if part_demands="$(mointpoint_demands | egrep "^$mountpoint:" 2>/dev/null)"; then
+ [ "$automount" = "auto" ] || emit_error 1 "Partition $device ($mountpoint) doesn't have the automount-flag set!" || return 1
+ eval handle_mountpoint_demands \"$device\" \"$filesystem\" $part_demands
+ fi
+ # Check if the partition is big enough to contain the installation
+ var_mp="$(echo "$mountpoint" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g')"
+ mp_min="$(eval echo \$partition_min_table$var_mp)"
+ partition_size_min=$[mp_min*1024*1024*115/100] # + 15% Filesystem overhead
+ partition_size="$(blockdev --getsize64 $device)" # actual size of device (in bytes)
+ if [ "$partition_size" -lt "$partition_size_min" ]; then
+ emit_error 1 "Partition $device ($mountpoint) is too small! it is $[partition_size/1024/1024] MB big, but it should be at least $[partition_size_min/1024/1024+10] MB big"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ progress=$[progress+1]; emit_progress $[100*progress/progress_steps]
+ done <<<"$cfg_hdmap"
+ if [ -z "$found_root" ]; then
+ echo "No root-partition selected!" | emit_error 1
+ fi
+# Synopsis: umount_all_affected [-fdisk] <device>
+# This function unlocks a device and all affected devices:
+# * it umounts mounted partitions with "umount" and disables swap-partitions with "swapoff"
+# * if "-fdisk" is set:
+# - it unlocks all partitions that are on the same device as the one given
+# (e.g. "umount_all_affected -fdisk /dev/hda3" is called, so /dev/hda* is unlocked)
+# - it takes care of LVM-Volumes and unlocks them if they are affected
+# - it takes care of dm_crypt-Disks and unlocks them if they are affected
+# TODO: from old installer, not fully adapted yet.
+function umount_all_affected()
+ if [ "$1" = "-fdisk" ]; then
+ # partition itself and its "sister" partitions (just to be sure, for fdisk):
+ shift
+ #DEV="${1%%[0-9]*}"
+ DEV="$(get_disk "$1")"
+ NR="${1:${#disk}}"
+ fi
+ [ -z "$DEV" ] && DEV="$(echo "$1" | dereferce_links_in_list)"
+ # Mounts
+ while IFS=" " read mnt_dev mnt_point mnt_dummy
+ do
+ [ "$mnt_point" = "/live/filesystem" -o -z "$mnt_point" ] && continue
+ case "$mnt_point" in
+ /|/cdrom|/dev|/dev/*|/isosrc|/proc|/proc/*|/ramdisk|/sys|/tmp) ;;
+ *)
+ echo $mnt_dev | dereferce_links_in_list | grep -q ^$DEV$ || continue
+ for umount_point in $(gawk '{print $2}' /proc/mounts | grep -e "^$mnt_point$" -e "^$mnt_point/" | sort -r)
+ do
+ fuser -km "$umount_point"
+ umount "$umount_point" &>/dev/null || \
+ umount -l "$umount_point"
+ done
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < /proc/mounts
+ # Swap
+ for i in $(grep -e "^$DEV" /proc/swaps | cut -d\ -f1)
+ do
+ swapoff "$i";
+ done
+# # LVM
+# for i in $(pvdisplay -c 2>/dev/null | grep "$DEV" | cut -d: -f2 | sort | uniq)
+# do
+# lv_name="$(lvdisplay $i | gawk '/LV Name/{print $3}')"
+# lv_dev="$(echo $lv_name | dereferce_links_in_list)"
+# for dev in $( ( echo $lv_name; echo $lv_dev ) | sort | uniq)
+# do
+# # recursive function call
+# umount_all_affected $dev
+# done
+# ((EXHAUSITIVE)) && vgchange -a n $i &>/dev/null
+# done
+# # Crypttab
+# for cmapname in $(grep $DEV /etc/crypttab | cut -d\ -f1)
+# do
+# umount_all_affected "/dev/mapper/$cmapname"
+# ((EXHAUSITIVE)) && cryptsetup remove $cmapname
+# done
+# Synopsis: prepare_partitions_for_install [--nomount]
+# This function processes the hd_map-config:
+# * create mountpoints
+# * format the partitions if a filesystem is given
+# * take care of LVM-Volumes and dm_crypt-Disks
+# * create the specified mountpoints in $TARGET
+# * mount the partitions to the target
+# * mount (bind) /dev, /proc and /sys to the target
+# --nomount simply doesn't mount or umount partitions
+# TODO: from old installer, not adapted yet.
+function prepare_partitions_for_install()
+ send install_step prepare_partitions_for_install
+ emit_progress 0
+ local progress_steps=$(( $(wc -l <<<"$cfg_hdmap") ))
+ local progress=0
+ while IFS=: read device mountpoint filesystem automount
+ do
+ [ "$1" != "--nomount" ] && umount_all_affected $device
+ # format device with filesystem (if specified)
+ if [ "$filesystem" ]; then
+ dd if=/dev/zero of=$device bs=1k count=16 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null # shutup! :-)
+ TMP=/tmp/mkfs.$$
+ case "$filesystem" in
+ xfs)
+ mkfs.$filesystem -f $device 2> $TMP 1>&2
+ ;;
+ reiser*)
+ echo y | mkfs.$filesystem $device 2> $TMP 1>&2
+ ;;
+ jfs)
+ echo y | mkfs.$filesystem $device 2> $TMP 1>&2
+ ;;
+ *)
+ mkfs.$filesystem $device 2> $TMP 1>&2
+ ;;
+ esac
+ RC="$?"
+ if [ $RC -ne 0 ]; then
+ ERROR_MESSAGES=$(tail -8 $TMP)
+ emit_error 1 "mkfs failed" || return 1
+ fi
+ # Deactivate dir_index-feature of ext2/ext3/ext4-partitions
+ case $filesystem in
+ *ext*)
+ tune2fs -O ^dir_index $device &>/dev/null
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ mkdir -p ${TARGET}${mountpoint} # make sure mountpoint exists
+ # only mount the partition if: 1. it has the automount flag
+ # 2. the mountpoint exists on the Live system
+ # and 3. prepare_partitions_for_install was not called with "--nomount"
+ if [ "$automount" = "auto" -a "$1" != "--nomount" -a -d "/live/filesystem$mountpoint" ]; then
+ # mount device to mountpoint
+ EC="$(LC_ALL=C mount $device ${TARGET}${mountpoint} 2>&1)"
+ if (($?)); then
+ case "$EC" in
+ "*already mounted*") # then let's try "mount --bind"
+ already_mp="$(grep ^$device /proc/mounts | cut -d\ -f2)"
+ if [ -d "$already_mp" ]; then
+ awk '/^\/dev/{if($4 ~ /^rw/){print $1}}' /proc/mounts | grep -qw $device || mount -o remount,rw "$already_mp"
+ mount --bind "$already_mp" ${TARGET}${mountpoint} 2>&1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ emit_error 1 "mount failed: $EC" || return 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ if ! awk '/^\/dev/{if($4 ~ /^rw/){print $1}}' /proc/mounts | grep -qw $device; then
+ emit_error 1 "mount failed: $EC" || return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ # update progress
+ progress=$[progress+1]; emit_progress $[100*progress/progress_steps]
+ done <<<"$cfg_hdmap"
diff --git a/backend/modules/init b/backend/modules/init
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7a7628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/init
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function init_installer()
+ [ -f /etc/default/distro ] && . /etc/default/distro
+ mkdir -p /live/filesystem
+ [ -d /live/filesystem/usr ] || mount -o ro /dev/loop0 /live/filesystem
+ cfg_set hostname "${FLL_DISTRO_NAME}Box"
diff --git a/backend/modules/install b/backend/modules/install
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..760f40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/install
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+function do_install()
+ send install_step check_partitions_for_install
+ check_partitions_for_install
+ prepare_target
+ prepare_partitions_for_install
+ copy_system_to_target
+ update_fstab_on_target
+ update_passwd_on_target
+ copy_home_to_target
+ copy_etc_to_target
+ configure_target_update_files
+ configure_target_purge_live_only_stuff
+ configure_target_services
+ install_bootmanager_to_target
+ send install_step cleanup
+ cleanup
+function prepare_target()
+ send install_step prepare_target
+ mkdir -p /live/hdinstall
+ export TARGET=/live/hdinstall
+# Synopsis: chroot_it <...>
+# execute the supplied command in the target
+function chroot_it()
+ [ -n "$TARGET" -a $UID -eq 0 ] && chroot $TARGET "$@"
+# Synopsis: copy_system_to_target
+# This function copies the system to the target.
+# Therefore $TARGET and all partitions of hd_map have to be mounted
+# this should have be done in the prepare-stage (see prepare_partitions_for_install)
+function copy_system_to_target()
+ send install_step copy_system_to_target
+ emit_progress 0
+ calculate_min_space
+ orig_size="$ESTIMATED_ROOT_MIN"
+ dest_size_before=$(di -dm -fSMu | gawk '/\/live\/hdinstall/{used+=int($3)} END{print int(used)}')
+ dest_size_diff=0
+ cd /live/filesystem
+ cp -a * $TARGET &
+ cp=$!
+ old_percent=0
+ while ps --pid $cp &>/dev/null
+ do
+ dest_size=$(di -dm -fSMu | gawk '/\/live\/hdinstall/{used+=int($3)} END{print int(used)}')
+ dest_size_diff=$(( $dest_size - $dest_size_before ))
+ percent=$((( 100 * $dest_size_diff ) / $orig_size ))
+ if [ "$percent" != "$old_percent" ]; then
+ emit_progress $percent
+ old_percent="$percent"
+ fi
+ sleep 5
+ done
+ sync
+ mkdir -p "$TARGET/proc" "$TARGET/dev" "$TARGET/sys"
+ mount --bind /proc "$TARGET/proc"
+ mount --bind /dev "$TARGET/dev"
+ mount --bind /sys "$TARGET/sys"
diff --git a/backend/modules/install_configure b/backend/modules/install_configure
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28e351e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/install_configure
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Synopsis: configure_target_update_files
+# This function is adapted from the Knoppix-Installer
+function configure_target_update_files()
+ send install_step configure_target_update_files
+ # set up hostname
+ cat <<EOF >$TARGET/etc/hosts
+ localhost
+ $cfg_hostname
+# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
+# (added automatically by netbase upgrade)
+::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
+fe00::0 ip6-localnet
+ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
+ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
+ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
+ff02::3 ip6-allhosts
+ echo "$cfg_hostname" > $TARGET/etc/hostname
+ echo "$cfg_hostname" > $TARGET/etc/mailname
+ # remove LiveCD-user from /etc/sudoers
+ cat > "$TARGET/etc/sudoers" <<EOF
+# /etc/sudoers
+# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.
+# See the man page for details on how to write a sudoers file.
+Defaults env_reset
+# Host alias specification
+# User alias specification
+# Cmnd alias specification
+# User privilege specification
+root ALL=(ALL) ALL
+ chown root:root "$TARGET/etc/sudoers"
+ chmod 0440 "$TARGET/etc/sudoers"
+ # "normalize" /etc/inittab
+ rm -f "$TARGET/etc/inittab"
+ sed 's/id\:[0-6]\:initdefault\:/id\:5\:initdefault\:/;s/\([1-6]:23\):/\145:/' "$TARGET/usr/share/sysvinit/inittab" > "$TARGET/etc/inittab"
+ # create "real" /tmp with mode 1777
+ rm -f $TARGET/tmp 2>/dev/null
+ mkdir -p $TARGET/tmp
+ chmod 1777 $TARGET/tmp
+ # create /etc/mtab as a regular file
+ rm -f $TARGET/etc/mtab
+ touch $TARGET/etc/mtab
+ # configure /etc/kernel-pkg.conf
+ if [ -f "$TARGET/etc/kernel-pkg.conf" ]; then
+ perl -pi -e "s/^maintainer.*\=.*/maintainer \:\= $cfg_realname/;s/^email.*\=.*/email \:\= $cfg_username\@$cfg_hostname\.local/" "$TARGET/etc/kernel-pkg.conf"
+ NUMCPUS=$(grep -c "model name" /proc/cpuinfo)
+ [ $NUMCPUS -ge 2 ] && echo CONCURRENCY_LEVEL := $NUMCPUS >> $TARGET/etc/kernel-pkg.conf
+ fi
+ # enable KDE sounds
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc"
+ # profile
+ cat "$TARGET/usr/share/base-files/profile" > "$TARGET/etc/profile"
+ # For us users use an us-mirror
+ case "$LANGUAGE" in
+ us*)
+ #perl -pi -e "s/" $TARGET/etc/apt/sources.list
+ :
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # install hooks
+ if [ "$(ls $TARGET/usr/share/acritoxinstaller/target-config)" ]; then
+ for hook in $TARGET/usr/share/acritoxinstaller/target-config/*
+ do
+ chroot_it "${hook#$TARGET}"
+ done
+ fi
+ # install overlay
+ if [ "$(ls $TARGET/usr/share/acritoxinstaller/target-overlay)" ]; then
+ cp -a --target-directory=$TARGET $TARGET/usr/share/acritoxinstaller/target-overlay/*
+ fi
+ # add correct keymap
+ [ -f /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] && . /etc/sysconfig/keyboard
+ [ -n "$KEYTABLE" ] && chroot_it install-keymap "$KEYTABLE" 2>/dev/null
+# Synopsis: configure_target_purge_live_only_stuff
+# This function removes everything that is only useful on live-systems
+function configure_target_purge_live_only_stuff()
+ send install_step configure_target_purge_live_only_stuff
+ # remove live-only-packages
+ chroot_it dpkg --purge \
+ busybox \
+ acritoxinstaller \
+ acritoxinstaller-kanotix \
+ live-boot-initramfs-tools \
+ live-boot \
+ live-initramfs \
+ live-build-cgi \
+ live-build \
+ live-helper \
+ live-config-runit \
+ live-config-sysvinit \
+ live-config-upstart \
+ live-config \
+ live-magic \
+ live-manual-epub \
+ live-manual-html \
+ live-manual-odf \
+ live-manual-pdf \
+ live-manual-txt \
+ live-manual \
+ mknbi \
+ syslinux \
+ tftpd-hpa &> /dev/null
+ # disable live config
+ [ -f "$TARGET/etc/default/distro" ] && \
+ perl -pi -e "s/^FLL_DISTRO_MODE\=.*/FLL_DISTRO_MODE\=\"installed\"/" "$TARGET/etc/default/distro"
+ # remove temporary kde- user files
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.DCOPserver_*_*"
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/cache-*"
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/socket-*"
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/tmp-*"
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.*uthority"
+ rm -rf "$TARGET/etc/sysconfig"
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/Desktop/install-gui.desktop"
+ # remove kdm live shutdown hack
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/shutdown/kdm-force-shutdown-hack"
diff --git a/backend/modules/install_main b/backend/modules/install_main
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bee41af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/install_main
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+# Synopsis: update_fstab_on_target
+# This function is partly adapted from the Knoppix-Installer
+# It creates a new fstab for the new installed system in $TARGET.
+# * proc, usbfs, sysfs, tmpfs: hardcoded
+# * all mountpoints of the hd_map
+# * cdroms, floppy
+# * remove not needed device links
+function update_fstab_on_target()
+ send install_step update_fstab_on_target
+ emit_progress 0
+ local progress_steps=$(( $(wc -l <<<"$cfg_hdmap") + 2 ))
+ local progress=0
+ # Charset stuff for FAT/NTFS-Filesystems
+ unset utf_option nls
+ if [ "$(locale charmap)" = "UTF-8" ]; then
+ utf_option=",utf8"
+ nls=",nls=utf8"
+ fi
+ chroot_it locale-gen &>/dev/null
+ # Build new /etc/fstab
+ cat <<EOF >$TARGET/etc/fstab
+# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
+# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
+proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
+ [ -x $TARGET/etc/init.d/ ] || cat <<EOF >>$TARGET/etc/fstab
+sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0
+tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0
+ while IFS=: read device mountpoint filesystem automount
+ do
+ fstab_options=""; fstab_dump=0; fstab_pass=2; fstab_type=""
+ [ -z "$fstab_type" ] && fstab_type=$filesystem
+ [ -z "$fstab_type" ] && fstab_type=$(get_filesystem $device)
+ [ -z "$fstab_type" ] && fstab_type=auto
+ case "$automount" in
+ auto)
+ fstab_options="defaults";;
+ *)
+ fstab_options="noauto,users";;
+ esac
+ case "$fstab_type" in
+ msdos)
+ fstab_options="${fstab_options},umask=000,quiet${utf_option}"; fstab_pass=0;;
+ vfat)
+ fstab_options="${fstab_options},umask=000,shortname=mixed,quiet${utf_option}"; fstab_pass=0;;
+ esac
+ if [ "$mountpoint" = "/" ]; then
+ fstab_pass=1
+ case $fstab_type in
+ reiser*|xfs|jfs)
+ fstab_options="defaults"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ fstab_options="defaults,errors=remount-ro"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ elif [ "${mountpoint:0:7}" = "/media/" ]; then
+ # don't run fsck on boot for all /media/* mountpoints
+ fstab_pass=0
+ else
+ # don't run fsck on boot if device is a removable disk (if group of /dev/XXX == floppy)
+ [ "$(stat --format "%G" $device)" = "floppy" ] && fstab_pass=0
+ fi
+ fstab_options="${fstab_options##defaults,}"
+ unset DEV UUID
+ case $device in
+ /dev/mapper/*) ;;
+ /dev/disk/by-uuid/*) DEV=/dev/$(readlink $device|sed s@../../@@)
+ UUID="UUID=${device#/dev/disk/by-uuid/}"
+ ;;
+ /dev/*) DEV=$device
+ UUID="UUID=$(get_partition_uuid $device)"
+ ;;
+ UUID=*) UUID=$device
+ DEV=/dev/$(readlink /dev/disk/by-uuid/${device#UUID=}|sed s@../../@@)
+ ;;
+ esac
+ [ -n "${DEV#/dev/}" ] && echo "# $DEV" >> $TARGET/etc/fstab
+ if [ -n "${UUID#UUID=}" ]; then
+ printf "%-15s %-15s %-7s %-15s %-7s %s\n" "$UUID" "$mountpoint" "$fstab_type" "$fstab_options" "$fstab_dump" "$fstab_pass" >> $TARGET/etc/fstab
+ else
+ # this partition doesn't have an UUID
+ printf "%-15s %-15s %-7s %-15s %-7s %s\n" "$device" "$mountpoint" "$fstab_type" "$fstab_options" "$fstab_dump" "$fstab_pass" >> $TARGET/etc/fstab
+ fi
+ # Remove not needed device links
+ [ "/media/${device##*/}" != "$mountpoint" ] && rmdir "$TARGET/media/${device##*/}" &>/dev/null
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/Desktop/${device##*/}"
+ # update progress
+ progress=$[progress+1]; emit_progress $[100*progress/progress_steps]
+ done <<<"$cfg_hdmap"
+ # Add swap to /etc/fstab
+ while read device
+ do
+ UUID="$(get_partition_uuid $device)"
+ if [ -z "$UUID" ]; then
+ # swap partition without UUID
+ swapoff $device
+ mkswap $device
+ swapon $device
+ UUID="$(get_partition_uuid $device)"
+ fi
+ [ -z "$UUID" ] && continue # should never happen...
+ printf "%-15s %-15s %-7s %-15s %-7s %s\n" "UUID=$UUID" "none" "swap" "sw" "0" "0" >> $TARGET/etc/fstab
+ done < <(list_swap_partitions)
+ # Add cdrom devices to /etc/fstab
+ for c in $(gawk '/name/{for (i=NF;i>=3;i--) {print $i}}' /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info 2>/dev/null); do
+ [ -d $TARGET/media/cdrom$CDROM ] || mkdir -p $TARGET/media/cdrom$CDROM
+ if [ "$CDROM" = "0" ]; then
+ if [ "$(readlink $TARGET/media/cdrom)" != "cdrom0" ]; then
+ rm -f $TARGET/media/cdrom
+ ln -s cdrom0 $TARGET/media/cdrom
+ fi
+ if [ "$(readlink $TARGET/cdrom)" != "media/cdrom" ]; then
+ rm -f $TARGET/cdrom
+ ln -s media/cdrom $TARGET/cdrom
+ fi
+ fi
+ printf "%-15s %-15s %-7s %-15s %-7s %s\n" "/dev/$c" "/media/cdrom$CDROM" "udf,iso9660" "user,noauto" "0" "0" >> $TARGET/etc/fstab
+ CDROM=$(($CDROM+1))
+ done
+ if [ "$CDROM" = "0" ]; then
+ rm -f $TARGET/cdrom $TARGET/media/cdrom
+ fi
+ # Add floppy devices to /etc/fstab
+ for f in $(ls -d /sys/block/fd* 2>/dev/null); do
+ [ -d $TARGET/media/floppy${f#/sys/block/fd} ] || mkdir -p $TARGET/media/floppy${f#/sys/block/fd}
+ printf "%-15s %-15s %-7s %-15s %-7s %s\n" "/dev${f#/sys/block}" "/media/floppy${f#/sys/block/fd}" "auto" "rw,user,noauto" "0" "0" >> $TARGET/etc/fstab
+ done
+# Synopsis: update_passwd_on_target
+function update_passwd_on_target()
+ send install_step update_passwd_on_target
+ chroot $TARGET sh -c "usermod --password '$cfg_rootpwd' root"
+ if [ -x $ROOT/usr/sbin/adduser ]; then
+ LC_ALL=C chroot $TARGET adduser --disabled-password --force-badname --no-create-home --gecos "$cfg_realname,,," --uid 1000 "$cfg_username" >/dev/null
+ else
+ chroot $TARGET useradd -c "$cfg_realname,,," "$cfg_username" -u 1000 >/dev/null
+ fi
+ chroot $TARGET sh -c "usermod --password '$cfg_userpwd' '$cfg_username'"
+ for group in lpadmin scanner; do
+ chroot $TARGET addgroup --system $group >/dev/null 2>&1
+ done
+ for group in adm audio cdrom dialout floppy video plugdev dip lpadmin lp scanner powerdev netdev; do
+ chroot $TARGET adduser --force-badname "$cfg_username" $group >/dev/null 2>&1
+ done
+# Synopsis: copy_home_to_target
+# This function copies the home directory from the live user
+function copy_home_to_target()
+ send install_step copy_home_to_target
+ #check if already data is there then stop
+ if [ -d "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username" ]; then
+ chroot "$TARGET" chown -R "$cfg_username":"$cfg_username" "/home/$cfg_username"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -d "/home/$FLL_LIVE_USER/.kde" ]; then
+ rm -rf "$TARGET/home/$FLL_LIVE_USER"
+ cp -a "/home/$FLL_LIVE_USER" "$TARGET/home"
+ [ "$cfg_username" != "$FLL_LIVE_USER" ] && mv "$TARGET/home/$FLL_LIVE_USER" "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username"
+ else
+ cp -a "$TARGET/etc/skel" "$TARGET/home"
+ mv "$TARGET/home/skel" "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username"
+ fi
+ # update home-path in user's config files
+ if [ "$cfg_username" != "$FLL_LIVE_USER" ]; then
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.mozilla/appreg"
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.mozilla/pluginreg.dat"
+ if [ -e "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.mozilla/$FLL_LIVE_USER" ]; then
+ [ -e "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.mozilla/default" ] || mv "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.mozilla/$FLL_LIVE_USER" "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.mozilla/default"
+ perl -pi -e 's/.*general.useragent.*\n?//' "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.mozilla/default/*/prefs.js"
+ fi
+ NEWHOME="/home/$cfg_username"
+ for f in $(find "$PART$NEWHOME" -exec grep -ls "$OLDHOME" {} \;|grep -v $0); do
+ perl -pi -e "s|$OLDHOME|$NEWHOME|g" "$f"
+ done
+ fi
+ # revert to plain debian .bashrc
+ cat "$TARGET/etc/skel/.bashrc" > "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.bashrc"
+ # revert kdesu/sudo workaround
+ rm -f "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/share/apps/konsole/su.desktop" \
+ "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/share/apps/konsole/sumc.desktop" \
+ "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/share/config/kdesurc" \
+ "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde4/share/config/kdesurc" \
+ "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.su-to-rootrc"
+ rm -rf "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.gconf/apps/gksu"
+ # force kde first time configuration
+ if [ -f /etc/skel/.kde/share/config/kpersonalizerrc ]; then
+ perl -pi -e 's/FirstLogin=false/FirstLogin=true/g' "$TARGET/etc/skel/.kde/share/config/kpersonalizerrc"
+ # The users kde should be perfect, unless we just copied from template ...
+ [ ! -d "/home/$FLL_LIVE_USER/.kde" ] && perl -pi -e 's/FirstLogin=false/FirstLogin=true/g' "$TARGET/home/$cfg_username/.kde/share/config/kpersonalizerrc"
+ fi
+ chroot "$TARGET" chown -R "$cfg_username":"$cfg_username" "/home/$cfg_username"
+# Synopsis: copy_etc_to_target
+# This function is partly adapted from the Knoppix-Installer
+function copy_etc_to_target()
+ send install_step copy_etc_to_target
+ # UTC=no fix
+ if [ -f /etc/default/rcS -a -f $TARGET/etc/default/rcS ]; then
+ cat /etc/default/rcS > $TARGET/etc/default/rcS
+ fi
+ cp -a /etc/timezone $TARGET/etc/timezone
+ cp -a /etc/localtime $TARGET/etc/localtime
+ cp -a /etc/default/keyboard $TARGET/etc/default/keyboard
+ cp -a /etc/default/locale $TARGET/etc/default/locale
+ cp -a /etc/locale.gen $TARGET/etc/locale.gen
+ #cp -a /etc/console/* $TARGET/etc/console/
+ #cp -a /etc/environment $TARGET/etc/environment
+ # network
+ rm -f $TARGET/etc/network/interfaces
+ cp -a /etc/network/interfaces $TARGET/etc/network/interfaces
+ # create locales
+ chroot_it locale-gen &>/dev/null
+ chroot_it dpkg-reconfigure -fnoninteractive keyboard-configuration &>/dev/null
+ # nvidia autoinstall trigger
+ chroot_it update-rc.d -f kanotix remove &>/dev/null
+ rm -f $TARGET/etc/init.d/kanotix
+ # xorg.conf
+ debconf-get-selections | grep -e xserver-xorg -e tzdata | chroot_it debconf-set-selections &>/dev/null
+ rm -f $TARGET/etc/X11/xorg.conf*
+ chroot_it dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg &>/dev/null
+ # Save ALSA sound volume
+ if [ -e /proc/asound/modules ] && [ -x /usr/sbin/alsactl ]; then
+ /usr/sbin/alsactl store
+ if [ -f /var/lib/alsa/asound.state ]; then
+ cp /var/lib/alsa/asound.state "$TARGET/var/lib/alsa"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # KDM: auto login
+ kdmrc=$TARGET/etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc
+ [ -f $TARGET/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc ] && kdmrc=$TARGET/etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc
+ if [ -e $kdmrc ]; then
+ perl -pi -e "s|^[#\s]*(AutoLoginUser).*|\1=$cfg_username|" $kdmrc
+ [ "$cfg_autologin" = "on" ] && autologin="true" || autologin="false"
+ perl -pi -e "s|^[#\s]*(AutoLoginEnable).*|\1=$autologin|" $kdmrc
+ fi
+ # Crypto
+ cp -a /etc/crypttab $TARGET/etc/crypttab
+ # PolicyKit
+ if [ -e /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf -a -e $TARGET/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf ]; then
+ sed '/<!-- .* user in live session -->/d; s/user="'"$FLL_LIVE_USER"'"/user="'"$cfg_username"'"/;' \
+ < /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf > $TARGET/etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf
+ fi
diff --git a/backend/modules/install_services b/backend/modules/install_services
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3b74c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/install_services
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Synopsis: configure_target_services
+# This function configures the services and their autostart
+function configure_target_services()
+ send install_step configure_target_services
+ # prepare ssh
+ if [ /etc/init.d/ssh ]; then
+ if [ ! -e "$TARGET/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" ]; then
+ ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f "$TARGET/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key" -C '' -N ''
+ fi
+ if [ ! -e "$TARGET/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key" ]; then
+ ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -f "$TARGET/etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key" -C '' -N ''
+ fi
+ fi
diff --git a/backend/modules/partitions b/backend/modules/partitions
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d59323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/partitions
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# Synopsis: list_all_disks
+# This function lists all disks
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda
+# /dev/sdb
+function list_all_disks()
+ awk -vli="$(awk '{if($2=="sd") print $1;}' /proc/devices)" 'BEGIN{m=split(li,list," ")}{for(i=1;i<=m;i++) if($1==list[i]&&$2%16==0) print "/dev/"$4;}' /proc/partitions
+# Synopsis: send_list_of_disks
+# This script sends a list of all disks with size-details to the frontend.
+# Output example:
+# <installer data> list_of_disks
+# /dev/sda 10001908224
+# /dev/sdb 64023257088
+function send_list_of_disks()
+ send data list_of_disks
+ list_all_disks | partitions_size_details
+# Synopsis: list_all_partitions
+# This function lists all partitions from all disks
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda1
+# /dev/sda2
+# /dev/sdb5
+function list_all_partitions()
+ awk -vli="$(awk '{if($2=="sd") print $1;}' /proc/devices)" 'BEGIN{m=split(li,list," ")}{for(i=1;i<=m;i++) if($1==list[i]&&$2%16!=0) print "/dev/"$4;}' /proc/partitions
+# Synopsis: (e.g.) list_all_partitions | partitions_usage_details
+# This function lists usage details for a list of partitions from STDIN
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda1 filesystem reiserfs
+# /dev/sda2 filesystem ext3
+# /dev/sda3 other swap
+function partitions_usage_details()
+ while read part x
+ do
+ [ -e "$part" ] || continue
+ ID_FS_USAGE="$(/sbin/blkid -p -s USAGE -o value "$part")"
+ [ "$ID_FS_USAGE" ] || continue
+ ID_FS_TYPE="$(/sbin/blkid -p -s TYPE -o value "$part")"
+ echo "$part $ID_FS_USAGE $ID_FS_TYPE"
+ done
+# Synopsis: (e.g.) list_all_partitions | partitions_size_details
+# This function lists size details for a list of partitions from STDIN
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda 64023257088
+# /dev/sda1 10001908224
+function partitions_size_details()
+ while read part x
+ do
+ [ -e "$part" ] || continue
+ echo "$part $(blockdev --getsize64 "$part")"
+ done
+# Synopsis: list_partitions [-type <filesystem>] [-disk <disk>] [-usage <usage>]
+# This function lists all partitions that match all the given parameters
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda1
+# /dev/sda2
+# /dev/sdb5
+function list_partitions()
+ unset required_type required_disk;
+ required_usage="filesystem"
+ while [ "$1" ]
+ do
+ case $1 in
+ -type)
+ required_type="$2";
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -disk)
+ required_disk="$2";
+ shift
+ ;;
+ -usage)
+ required_usage="$2";
+ shift
+ ;;
+ esac
+ shift
+ done
+ while IFS=" " read part usage type
+ do
+ if [ "$usage" = "$required_usage" ]; then
+ [ "$required_type" -a "$required_type" != "$(get_filesystem $part)" ] && continue
+ [ "$required_disk" ] && ! echo "$part" | grep -q "^$required_disk" && continue
+ echo $part
+ fi
+ done < <(list_all_partitions | partitions_usage_details)
+# Synopsis: list_linux_partitions
+# This function lists all partitions from the disks (by list_all_disks) which have partition Id 0x83 (= Linux)
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda4
+# /dev/sdb1
+function list_linux_partitions()
+ for disk in $(list_all_disks)
+ do
+ LC_ALL=C sfdisk -l "$disk" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/[*+]//g;' | gawk '/^\/dev/{if($6 == 83){print $1}}'
+ done
+# Synopsis: list_swap_partitions
+# This function lists all partitions from the disks (by list_all_disks) which have partition Id 0x82 (= Linux swap)
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda4
+# /dev/sdb1
+function list_swap_partitions()
+ for disk in $(list_all_disks)
+ do
+ LC_ALL=C sfdisk -l "$disk" 2>/dev/null | sed 's/[*+]//g;' | gawk '/^\/dev/{if($6 == 82){print $1}}'
+ done
+# Synopsis: get_disk <partition>
+# This function returns the disk containing the given partition
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda
+function get_disk()
+ path="$(udevadm info -q path -n "$1")"
+ while [ "$path" ]
+ do
+ udevadm info -q env -p "$path" | grep -q "^DEVTYPE=disk$" && break
+ path="$(dirname "$path")"
+ done
+ [ "$path" ] && udevadm info --root -q name -p "$path" && return 0
+ return 1
+# Synopsis: is_removeable <disk/partition>
+# This function checks if a disk or partition is removeable (returncode 0) or not (returncode 1)
+function is_removeable()
+ DEV="$(get_disk "$1")"
+ REM=$(cat /sys/block/${DEV#/dev/}/removable 2>/dev/null)
+ case $(readlink -f /sys/block/${DEV#/dev}) in *usb*) REM=1; esac
+ [ "$REM" = "1" ] && return 0 || return 1
+# Synopsis: list_possible_root_partitions
+# This script lists all possible root-partitions.
+# * all linux-partitions and all partitions that have a linux-filesystem
+# Output example:
+# /dev/sda4
+# /dev/sdb1
+function list_possible_root_partitions()
+ ( list_linux_partitions; list_partitions -type Linux ) | sort -u
+# Synopsis: send_possible_root_partitions
+# This script sends a list of all possible root-partitions with size-details to the frontend.
+# Output example:
+# <installer data> possible_root_partitions
+# /dev/sda4 10001908224
+# /dev/sdb1 64023257088
+function send_possible_root_partitions()
+ send data possible_root_partitions
+ list_possible_root_partitions | partitions_size_details
+# Synopsis: send_possible_root_filesystems
+# This script sends a list of all possible filesystems to format the root-partition with to the frontend.
+# Output example:
+# <installer data> possible_root_filesystems
+# ext4
+# ext3
+# reiserfs
+function send_possible_root_filesystems()
+ send data possible_root_filesystems
+ for fs in ext4 ext3 reiserfs xfs jfs; do echo $fs; done
+# Synopsis: get_filesystem <device>
+# This function returns the filesystem on the supplied device.
+# Returned filesystem could be:
+# ext4, ext3, ext2, reiserfs, xfs, minix, hfs, efs, reiser4,
+# jfs, iso9660, vfat, ntfs, swap, oracleasm, jbd, gfs,
+# gfs2, vxfs, romfs, bfs, cramfs, qnx4, udf, ufs, hpfs,
+# sysv, swsuspend, ocfs, ocfs2
+# Output example:
+# ext4
+function get_filesystem()
+ [ -x /sbin/blkid ] && /sbin/blkid -s TYPE -o value "$1"
+# Synopsis: get_filesystem_type [-fs <filesystem>]|<device>
+# This function returns the type of the filesystem on the supplied device (or filesystem).
+# Returned type could be:
+# Linux, CD-ROM, Windows, Swap, (not recognized type -> filesystem)
+# Output example:
+# Linux
+function get_filesystem_type()
+ if [ "$1" = "-fs" ]; then
+ filesystem="$2"
+ else
+ filesystem="$(get_filesystem "$1")"
+ fi
+ case $filesystem in
+ ext4|ext3|ext2|reiserfs|xfs|minix|hfs|efs|reiser4|jfs) echo Linux;;
+ iso9660) echo CD-ROM;;
+ vfat|ntfs) echo Windows;;
+ swap) echo Swap;;
+ *) echo "$filesystem";;
+ esac
+ # Other (not recognized) Filesystems:
+ # oracleasm, jbd, gfs, gfs2, vxfs, romfs, bfs, cramfs,
+ # qnx4, udf, ufs, hpfs, sysv, swsuspend, ocfs, ocfs2
diff --git a/backend/modules/partmgr b/backend/modules/partmgr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c773e8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/modules/partmgr
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+function run_partmgr()
+ case "$1" in
+ cfdisk|fdisk)
+ TERM=xterm /sbin/"$1" "$2"
+ ;;
+ gparted|qtparted)
+ "$1" "$2"
+ ;;
+ esac
+function send_partition_managers()
+ send data partition_managers
+ for app in cfdisk gparted qtparted fdisk
+ do
+ which $app &>/dev/null || continue
+ echo $app
+ done